
Shipping cost
Delivery time(business days)
€ 1 per card
Free shipping for all European Union countries.
How do I place an order?
Select a template that aligns with your occasion from our diverse collection. Upload your guest list. Tailor the card to your vision—modify layouts, fonts, and colors using our editor. Finally, proceed to checkout, where you add shipment details and choose a secure payment method. Click the 'Pay now' button to proceed with your payment. Your order is now in progress, uniquely designed for your special event.
What is the expected turnaround time for printing orders?
Your order will be dispatched within four days of purchase. Please note that all delivery times are in working days, excluding weekends and public holidays.
Do you ship internationally, and what are the associated shipping cost?
Our delivery services are exclusively offered within the European Union. Shipping is free for all European Union countries.
Is there a minimum order quantity for printing?
There is no minimum order quantity, but there is a minimum price. As we need to cover our operating costs.
Do you have a question?
Feel free to drop us a message for any questions about our services or your order! We're here to help.